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The Mediatorial Glories of The Son of GodThe Mediatorial Glories of The Son of God: seen in Tabernacle Patterns and Sacrificial Types

The author of this book, James Green (1859-1936), was a frequent contributor to early issues of Scripture Truth in the early part of the twentieth century. By profession he was an artist and lithographer, notable for his illustrations in Arthur Mee’s I See All and subsequent Children’s Encyclopaedia.

As he explains in the preface, his artistic talents were put to considerable use with a commission in 1917 to create a series of pictures to illustrate the Tabernacle in the wilderness described in the book of Exodus. While many models had been made, in using them for lecture purposes (in a pre-digital age) it was recognised there was great difficulty in a large audience seeing the details of small items easily. It was thought that large diagrams in colour would serve the purpose better. He completed the commission the following year. The original set of pictures were used on several occasions in lectures by A J Pollock, author of The Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching, and by the author. In the summer of 1929, a new set was painted on lighter canvas to ease portability; a useful feature as the ageing author continued delivering lectures around the UK. Photographs by David Vernon of the set illustrate this volume.

The author found that his lifetime of study of the detail of the Tabernacle had, “under the hand of the God, resulted in a much fuller apprehension of the glories of Christ, conveyed in the patterns of things in the heavens”. In his latter years, with the encouragement of many, he set down the impressions he had received, that others may profit by them. The present volume was completed shortly before his death in 1936 and has remained unpublished until now. The publishers are pleased to bring this book into print at last, assured that it will provide as much spiritual refreshment today as when the author first shared his appreciation of its great Subject.

For those who wonder why so much of the book of Exodus is taken up with a detailed description of an elaborate tent and its contents, this book provides an excellent explanation. For those who want to understand how such a description is evidence of the presence of “Christ in all the Scriptures”, the author explores this theme enthusiastically in detail.

Published March 2021

R.R.P. £18.50

STP Promotions Price: £14.00 plus postage and packing

James Green


Footsteps in the SnowFootsteps in the Snow: 105 Days of lockdown
Started on day three of the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, this book contains a series of devotional impressions written as the author reflected on different Bible verses early each morning of lockdown.

When lockdown began, Gordon and his wife started a WhatsApp group called “Keep in Touch” so that Christian friends could maintain contact during the crisis. He wrote a daily post to start the day, and “Footsteps in the Snow” is a collection of the first 105 posts of these. As the days passed, he was encouraged by readers to consider publishing them as a book; so here it is!

Most of the content was written as stand-alone impressions, but there are also some short series based on characters and themes. The book can be used as a daily Bible reading aid or simply picked up and read in short bursts.

Published December 2020

R.R.P. £11.50

STP Promotions Price: £8.75 plus postage and packing

Gordon Kell


The Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching by A J PollockThe Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching
An excellent complementary companion volume to The Mediatorial Glories of The Son of God: seen in Tabernacle Patterns and Sacrificial Types.

The author wrote in a postscript to the first edition: "The reward of this modest volume will be if it whets the appetite of the reader, leading him to desire to know more of these wondrous subjects. The theme is delightful indeed as it leads the heart into contact with Christ, subduing it by a deepening sense of the meaning of the death of Christ, leading out at the same time the affections of the heart to Him to Whom the believer owes everything for time and eternity."

Elsewhere he once wrote: "We appeal to our readers, especially young men and women, to give the Bible a fair trial. Read it, study it, and seek earnestly the truth."

Published 31 July 2009

R.R.P. £10.25

Usually £7.75, but now at a special STP Promotions Price: £5.50 plus postage and packing

A J Pollock


Comforted of God by A J Pollock (compiler)Comforted of God
First compiled over 100 years ago, this collection of Scripture texts, prose and poetry shines the light of God's Word into the darkness of disappointment, illness and bereavement, lifts the spirit and draws the stressed, the discouraged and the sorrowful to the Saviour, who is the Prince of Peace.

As relevant today in the COVID-19 epidemic as it was in the flu epidemic at the time of its compilation.

Published 30 April 2010

R.R.P. £6.00

Usually £4.50, but now at a special STP Promotions Price: £3.50 plus postage and packing

A J Pollock


What Does the Bible Teach? by R D MahersWhat Does the Bible Teach?
Jehovah's Witnesses' Bible study textbook is entitled "What Does The Bible Really Teach?", but a close examination of the Bible itself reveals that what it truly teaches is significantly at odds with their textbook's explanations. This booklet looks at some points of difference in relation to fundamental areas of Christian belief: who Jesus really is, what Jesus has done and will do, and what the future holds for the Christian. Writing in a polite, clear style, the author challenges the Jehovah's Witness reader to take up the Bible without prejudice, examine what it truly says on these vital issues and consider the consequences of accepting or rejecting the truth of its words

R.R.P. £0.60

STP Promotions Price: £0.50; £4.50 (pack of 10); £40.00 (pack of 100) plus postage and packing

R D Mahers


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New Publications






The Mediatorial Glories of The Son of God: seen in Tabernacle Patterns and Sacrificial Types James Green £14.00
Footsteps in the Snow: 105 Days of lockdown Gordon Kell £8.75
The Tabernacle’s Typical Teaching A J Pollock £5.50
Comforted of God A J Pollock £3.50
What Does The Bible Teach? R D Mahers £0.50
What Does The Bible Teach? (pack of 10) R D Mahers £4.50
What Does The Bible Teach? (pack of 100) R D Mahers £40.00

Scripture Truth Magazine






Annual subscription to Scripture Truth Magazine for 2022 (quarterly) - inclusive of postage to UK address Theo Balderston £13.35
Annual subscription to Scripture Truth Magazine for 2022 (quarterly) - inclusive of postage to non-UK address Theo Balderston £18.00

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