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Cheering Words calendar 2023
The 2023 edition is now available
from our calendar web page, with pictures of an English walled garden in August and the heather bloom at Over Owler Tor.
A full-colour catalogue of our publications can be conveniently browsed online.
Our Web Order page displays product prices for orders to be placed.

Published 30 October 2021
The Importance of God’s Word: Meditations on Psalm 119
by the truth for Today Team, edited by David Anderson
The complete series on Psalm 119 from the Truth for Today radio broadcast in one volume.
What is Psalm 119 all about? Just one theme – the excellency and value of the Word of God. For Christians, the Word of God not only furnishes us with a knowledge of the living God, but it also speaks of the Christ who has revealed Him.
The Amazon Kindle edition of “The Importance of God’s Word: Meditations on Psalm 119” edited by David Anderson is available now in the following Kindle Stores: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, UK and USA.

Published 31 July 2021
The Lord’s Supper leading to Worship,
Now back in print: a brand new edition.
This book expounds the central role the Lord’s Supper should play in the Christian’s life. Using Old Testament illustrations, and studies on the Person of Christ, the author’s aim is to stimulate obedience to the Lord’s request: “Remember Me”.
3rd August 2021: Previously out of print we are pleased, in conjunction with the new print edition, to release the eBook edition of F A Hughes's book entitled "The Lord’s Supper leading to Worship" exclusively on Google Play, and previewable on Google books.

Published 30 June 2021
Rebuilding Zion: An Exposition of the Books of the Exile,
Now back in print: a brand new edition of the classic book by F B Hole (1874-1964).
In it he expounds the Old Testament books of the Exile: Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, considers their prophecies concerning Jesus Christ and God’s past and future plans for Israel, and forcefully presents the very relevant message they have for Christians today.

Published March 2021
The Mediatorial Glories of The Son of God: seen in Tabernacle Patterns and Sacrificial Types,
a brand new, never previously published, book by James Green (1859-1936), with 19 colour illustrations and 5 line drawings.
For those who wonder why so much of the book of Exodus is taken up with a detailed description of an elaborate tent and its contents, this book provides an excellent explanation. For those who want to understand how such a description is evidence of the presence of “Christ in all the Scriptures”, the author explores this theme enthusiastically in detail.
The Amazon Kindle edition of “The Mediatorial Glories of The Son of God: seen in Tabernacle Patterns and Sacrificial Types” by James Green is now available in the following Kindle Stores: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, UK and USA.

Published December 2020
Footsteps in the Snow: 105 Days of lockdown,
a brand new book by Gordon Kell.
Started on day three of the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, this is a series of devotional impressions written as the author reflected on different Bible verses early each morning of lockdown. Most of the content was written as stand-alone impressions, but there are also some short series based on characters and themes. The book can be used as a daily Bible reading aid or simply picked up and read in short bursts.
The Amazon Kindle edition of “Footsteps in the Snow: 105 Days of lockdown” by Gordon Kell is now available in the following Kindle Stores: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, UK and USA.
Some 2020 publications

Published 18 August 2020
A new, annotated edition of “The Lord Is My Shepherd”: and Other Papers by Hamilton Smith
This collection of 14 meditations on a variety of Scriptural subjects, including individual Psalms, incidents in the Gospels, and chapters in the Epistles, is an excellent introduction to the ministry of Hamilton Smith. The author’s aim is to encourage in Christians a greater appreciation of Christ and growth into His likeness.
This revised edition provides improved layout, additional references for quoted Bible passages, together with source information for prose and poetry works quoted by the author.
The Kindle e-book edition is now available, published on 11 August 2020.

Published 23 May 2020
“Canaan Possessed: Studies in Ephesians and Joshua” by John Blackburn
A collection of articles from Scripture Truth magazine on the subject of “The Christian’s Canaan”. They explore the way in which the Old Testament book of Joshua illuminates the themes of the New Testament letter to the Ephesians.
It’s all about how “we, as Christians, have to turn to the Ephesian Epistle, for there we learn what is God’s best for us, and are warned of the danger of missing it.”
The Kindle e-book edition was published on 19 May 2020.
Encouraging reading in a pandemic
“Comforted of God” compiled by A J Pollock
“First compiled over 100 years ago, this compilation of Scripture texts, prose and poetry shines the light of God’s Word into the dark situations of disappointment, illness and bereavement. In such circumstances it provides encouragement, strength, illumination, understanding and comfort. Over thirty thousand copies were produced during the first half of the twentieth century, bringing relief to many” suffering through war, pandemic, unemployment and other ills of the day.
“Over one hundred years have passed since the first edition was compiled, and yet the basic problems of the human condition remain essentially unchanged; and God’s Word has as much to say to those facing the darkest of situations in the twenty-first century as it ever did.”
So ran the Introduction to the re-typeset 2010 edition. How relevant to the coronavirus-torn world today! The contents of this attractive volume serve to confirm the immensely valuable role of prose and poetry to lift the spirit and draw the stressed, the discouraged and the sorrowful to the Saviour, who is the Prince of Peace. Read or download a sample selection of pages.
Music from Ekklesia: Wondrous Saviour
Conducted by Corinne Marsh, Ekklesia is a choir made up of Christians from all over the UK, mainly from Brethren assemblies. We are delighted to announce that, after a long absence, this 26 track CD is now back in stock.
Alive! gospel magazine
Articles from recent issues are available at the Alive! blog web site.
Brief details of this bi-monthly topical evangelistic tract are available here.
Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs
Alongside the small hardback words-only edition produced in 2018, we now have a new Large Print edition available.
Our e-books page links to e-book editions of our publications available for the Amazon Kindle and at Google Play.
As an Amazon Associate Scripture Truth Publications earns from qualifying purchases.
A missionary biography
The Amazon Kindle edition of “Faith with Fortitude: Memoirs of Mama Ketshi” by Beryl Harris; is available in the following Kindle Stores: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, UK and USA.
Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
We still have a number of copies of the print edition which can be purchased at our Amazon Marketplace store.
A booklet to pass on
"What Does The Bible Teach?" by Ron Mahers
A booklet for Jehovah’s Witnesses, comparing their beliefs on vital topics with the teaching of the Bible: What Does The Bible Teach? by Ron Mahers, now re-printed in an attractive pocket-sized format. Available in single copies or packs of 10 or 100.
"Scripture Truth" Magazine: still going strong after over 100 years
"Scripture Truth", first published in 1909, is a 32-page quarterly magazine full of sound and challenging Bible teaching. It regularly contains articles, studies, poems and points to ponder. The present editor is Dr Theo Balderston. The annual subscription for 2022 is £13.35 (post free) in the United Kingdom and £18.00 (post free) in the rest of the world.
You can place an order for a subscription for the current calendar year and make an immediate online payment by debit card (in the UK) or credit card on our Scripture Truth magazine page. [Alternative payment methods are also available via that page.]